I work as a Software Engineer for Miller's Professional Imaging and thoroughly enjoy my craft
JavaScript, TypeScript, Microsoft Azure, C#, .NET, Angular, CSS, HTML, IIS, CircleCI, Python, VS Code, Visual Studio, Flask, Jinja, AWS, MongoDB, SQL, PostgreSQL, PgAdmin, ElephantSQL, MS SQL, Postman, Trello, Netlify, Sequelize, NodeJS, Git, API's, XML, Nuget, NPM, .NET Core, ASP.NET, Razor Pages, Mongoose, React, Redux, Heroku, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Microsoft Azure Web App, Linux, MacOS, Windows, Agile, SQL Server, Dapper, SASS, SCSS, Axios, Express JS, Bootstrap
Pokemon_Battle_Game is a simulation of a pokemon battle from the original Pokemon games. In this game, the user is prompted to choose three pokemon that he or she will use to fight against a computer player's (CPU) three randomly selected pokemon. The user fights against the CPU with these three pokemon until either team's three pokemon faint. Whichever team is left standing wins! This game is written in pure JavaScript, CSS, and HTML and runs in the browser. It is hosted and live using Github Pages.
MERNstagram is a PERN-stack application that was created as a milestone project for my course at KSU. It was created in collaboration with three other classmates simulating a dev team environment. This project was very instrumental in showing all of us how to properly function as a team and properly use all of the different version control features of git. The technologies used in development include P:postgreSQL, E:Express, R:React, N:Node.js, ElephantSQL, PgAdmin, Material-UI, and Axios. The application is built as a monorepo in the github repository and is deployed in three locations. The client side, or front-end, is hosted on Netlify, the server, or back-end, is hosted on Heroku, and the SQL database is hosted with ElephantSQL.